If you are arrested in a drunk driving case in St. George, UT or Las Vegas, NV, you need answers to the following questions:

  • When will I get my license back?
  • What will happen to my vehicle?
  • What happens to my driving privileges and how will this affect my record?
  • Will I have any jail time?
  • What are my defenses?
  • Will this affect my job?

Our attorneys can help answer these questions. A DUI can mean devastating consequences for your job and your freedom. It is very important to contact an attorney immediately following a DUI arrest, because you have a limited amount of time to request a driver license hearing. An attorney can help you request that hearing to fight the state's effort to suspend your license.

A skilled attorney will seek to reduce harsh penalties in your case and to even negotiate community service and classes instead of jail time and license suspension. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation.

DUI Defense

I've been charged with DUI in Arizona, now what?

Getting a ticket for DUI in Arizona can be confusing to Utah and Nevada residents who often travel through the Arizona strip and are not familiar with Arizona's harsh DUI laws. A DUI in Arizona is a criminal misdemeanor. Arizona essentially has three classes of DUI violations: DUI, Extreme DUI, and Aggravated DUI. The penalties for driving while intoxicated include jail time, substantial fines, and suspension of your driver's license. The specific penalties for driving while intoxicated include:

  • DUI (blood alcohol level between 0.08 and 0.14)
  • 10 days jail time, with possibility for 9 of 10 days suspended
  • $1,250 minimum fine
  • 90 day minimum suspension of license
  • Certified ignition interlock required for 1 year
  • May include community service

Extreme DUI (blood alcohol level between 0.15 and 0.19)

  • 30 days minimum jail time
  • $2,500 minimum fine
  • 90 day minimum suspension of license
  • Certified ignition interlock required for 1 year
  • May include community service

Aggravated DUI The penalties for DUI can be increased if your blood alcohol level was 0.20 or more, or if you have prior DUI's.

Every DUI case is different and the facts of your case may provide you with a defense to DUI or a reason for receiving a reduced charge. If you have been cited with a DUI in St. George, Utah, Arizona, or Nevada, you should seek competent legal advice from a licensed attorney.