$2.5 Million Settlement

Newborn baby and teen brother severely injured in an auto collision

$1.4 Million Settlement

50-year-old man killed in semi-truck/auto collision. (Settlement to surviving family)

$4.1 Million Settlement (shared)

Mother killed in auto crash caused by semi-truck. (Settlement for children of victim)

$300,000 Defense Claim

Successfully defended a general contractor on a $5 million commercial development to resolve construction defect claims in settlement for $300,000.

$4.2 Million Hotel Development Judgment

Obtained judgment for real estate dispute securing ownership for development of a $4.2 million hotel development.

Real Estate Representation

Represented buyer of land and water for a settlement securing 300 acres of land and 4 acre feet of water.

Undisclosed Personal Injury Settlement

Obtained settlement on behalf of elderly client harmed by inadequate roof repairs.